Family Wellness & Physio
Office Number: +1(309)204-1906
Fax Number: +1(309)276-0606

Doctors of Physical therapy
Massage Therapy
Wellness Services
Service is Our Passion
Convenient appointments
Highly trained professional staff
Patient centered treatment
We're Putting Care Back into Healthcare

Julie Ross
Former collegiate track and field athlete, wife, and mother of two young boys, Julie understands the deep significance of personal wellness and how much our movement matters. A compassionate person by nature, she dedicates her time and expertise to both family and a thriving family practice.
Emphasizing strength and resiliency in her wellness coaching and approach to physical therapy. Patients learn about their movement and are empowered to take charge of their progress.
Launching her career in 2001 with a Masters of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Julie furthered her education later receiving a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Concordia University. Beginning her physical therapy career with onsite industrial therapy and ergonomics training in the US, she branched out internationally to work as a physiotherapist in the UK for several years.
A devoted small town girl at heart, Julie returned home to Rushville, Illinois
to raise her children near her family and care for her rural community. Dr Ross specializes in Schroth Scoliosis Management, and osteopathic-based manual therapy offering the most comprehensive services in the area. Julie believes you deserve nothing less than the very best healthcare. Striving to provide the utmost level of care and highest quality physical therapy, she wants every client of Family Wellness to know they are truly cared for and loved.

What is Wellness?
We all respond differently to health challenges, and the process of positive change is unique to each individual. Instead of promoting one specific lifestyle or healing method, Family Wellness helps you find what works for you. As a compassionate, educated guide in the fields of nutrition, wellness, bio-individuality and health coaching, Our Staff will help you discover your own pathway to healing.
How can Physical Therapy help?
Physiotherapy or physical therapy encompasses rehabilitation, injury prevention, health promotion, and overall physical wellbeing. Physical therapists use a biomechanically-based, whole body approach to treatment, considering every patient’s individual lifestyle and engaging them in their own treatment. Family Wellness applies tried-and-true clinical diagnostic methods to evaluate and treat a variety of musculoskeletal concerns within a virtual clinic setting. We focus on biomechanical movement to restore and maximize strength, function, and motion.
Finding Wellness

Physical Therapy Services

Mobile Physical Therapy
Massage Therapy

Free Discovery Call
Contact Us Today to Get Well Soon

Speak to our Staff
If you feel you need a brief consult prior to scheduling a new evaluation or treatment, please use the free Discovery Call feature to talk to staff member. As a concierge service, we can help you determine if online or traditional physical therapy is right for you or help you book your massage or wellness service.
If I we are unable to answer the phone right away, please email admin@familywellness.physio.